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- TF01
- 3,The Hunter - Part 2
- 4,by Stuart Mackaness
- The Vanguard Chronicles - "The Hunter"
- ----------------------------------------
- by Stuart Mackaness
- ---------------------
- The sleek lines of the Vanguard cut through space at at warp five.
- The streaking stars shot past her as she overtook their light. With a
- silent roar the stars slowed to their usual illuminated pin pricks
- and the Vanguard dropped to impulse speed.
- On the bridge, Commander Halk was receiving the latest report from
- Ops.
- "The Draken reports that the Crystallio is not in the Muhadra nebula
- and she is now expanding her search perameters to the neighbouring
- systems." Karma said.
- "Understood, relay message to Starfleet command." She replied.
- Karma sudenly peered at her readouts closely. "What the..?" She
- muttered.
- Halk stood up sharply from the command chair. "What's the problem
- Karma?"
- "Sir, the Draken reports that it's under attack!" Karma cried in
- disbelief.
- Halk snapped her head round to Hermandez who nodded.
- "Confirmed sir, the Draken is under attack." She replied.
- "Helm, lay in interception course with the Draken, warp nine." Halk
- barked.
- Dean at Conn immediatly began making the necesary computations.
- "Course laid in sir!" he announced.
- "Engage!" Halk replied with a snap of her hand in a forward
- direction.
- The Vanguard lept forward with a scream from the warp nacelles. The
- stars streched once again and she launched off into warp.
- Halk slapped her communicator."Commander Halk to Captain Warner." She
- called.
- "Warner here, why have we jumped to warp speed?"
- "The Draken's under attack, this could answer alot of our questions."
- Halk replied.
- "Understood, I'm on my way. Warner out." The channel closed.
- Halk returned her attention to the viewscreen. "Red alert!" She
- ordered. A wailing siren began, and red flashes pulsed down the
- bridge. Imediately a tension filled the bridge, Halk imagined she
- could touch it. It was like this on the last mission of the Marco
- Polo, a meeting with an unknown vessel. She only hoped that this
- mission was more successful than her last stint in the captain's
- chair.
- The turbolift doors parted and allowed Warner onto his bridge. Karma
- turned round to face the captain.
- "Sir," she reported, "I am detecting two vessels ahead. One is the
- Draken, but I do not seem to be able to identify the other craft."
- Warner acknowledged this with a nod and then moved over towards his
- seat at the centre of the bridge. "E.T.A. lieutenant?" He demanded.
- "At warp nine, four minutes." The young officer replied.
- "Step up to warp nine point two." Warner ordered.
- "Aye sir." He responded.
- The floor beneath him squealed as the ship reached it's top speed. An
- automated message from the computer confirmed this. "Warning, warp
- engines reaching maximum output. Automatic shut down in twelve
- minutes."
- Before Warner could worry about the engines, the starfield on the
- viewscreen slowed to it's familiar, stationary position. Set against
- the starry background, the Constellation class Draken lay adrift. Her
- hull pitted with fiery wounds. Circling her was a ship at least twice
- her size. That made it nearly as long as the Vanguard. Two wicked
- prongs jutted out from her underside, and a third prong which was
- projected out from the front was firing blasts of energy at the dying
- starship.
- "Target phasers and photons Lieutenant " Warner ordered.
- "What particular locations do you want me to target?" Hermandez
- asked, her hands tapping away at her station.
- "Do you know what areas are dedicated to weapons, defence and
- propulsion?" Warner asked dryly.
- "No sir." Hermandez admitted.
- "Then target and fire at your discretion."
- "Aye sir."
- Warning klaxons sounded, only to be drowned out by the hollow roar of
- a salvo of torpedoes ripping from their tubes. They exploded over the
- enemy vessels powerful shields. A second later several blasts from
- the ships phaser banks cut through space, the beams splaying across
- the protective screens as well.
- Hermandez consulted her tactical display. "Their shields are
- partially weakened on the port side. No apreciable damage to
- structure."
- "What's the condition of the Draken?" Halk demanded.
- Hermandez examined her readouts again. "Partial forward shields,
- sixty five percent damage to saucer, twenty nine percent damage to
- nacelles. They have lost primary power on all decks and their weapon
- systems are non functional, warp drive is non functional."
- "Life signs?" Warner snapped.
- "Negative, there are radiation and decompression readings on most
- decks, the bridge has been destroyed." she replied. Without the
- bridge, piloting the ship out of the area was now more difficult.
- Warner turned to face the view screen, the four hundred lost souls
- already weighing heavy on his mind. The Draken was still there...
- but the enemy ship was gone!
- "Where the blazes has it gone to?" Warner cursed.
- Halk turned to Ops. "Did it jump to warp or cloak?" she demanded.
- "Negative," Karma replied, "it swept past us and disappeared."
- "Disappeared?" Halk repeated skeptically.
- The ship shook violently, Halk lost her footing and fell to one knee.
- Warner slipped back into his chair, gripping the armrests as he did
- so. Hermandez cluched the upright tactical console for stability.
- "Report!" Warner cried.
- As he spoke, the agressor swung up from below the viewer. It then
- twisted and faced them, the weapon emitter glowing terribly.
- Hermandez coughed, embarassed at some undisclosed fact. "Aparently
- the ship was underneath us." she said quietly.
- Halk looked furious. "Underneath us!"
- "How the hell did they pull that one off, Tactical?" Warner demanded.
- "I don't know!" Hermandez cursed.
- "They're making another pass!" Dean called from conn.
- "Brace for impact!" Warner called.
- * * *
- The blast slammed into the ship sending her spinning. The shields
- continued to flicker with residual energy from the blast. A large
- gouge had appeared on the underside of the saucer section. A
- secondary blast erupted from the impulse drive, debris sent hurtling
- away from the stricken vessel.
- On board, medical was in a state of turmoil. Bio-beds were sent onto
- their side, flames began to rise from the shattered medical office.
- Several nurses and technicians were lying prone on the tilted deck.
- Acrid black smoke began filled the air, choking those who weren't
- already dead.
- Dr. Li Levitt pulled himself along the floor. He could see the
- partially buckled exit doors. Laying next to them was Nurse Migadun,
- her arm visibly broken. Across sickbay, Ensign Rav was struggling to
- his feet by using a viewport as leverage. Li knew Andorians were
- tough, but when the first explosion wrecked the surgery, he received
- part of the explosion full in the chest. Levitt presumed that Rav's
- chitenous body carapace probably saved him from mortal wounds,
- although his yellow tunic was stained red from a jagged piece of
- metal which had buried itself deep in his torso.
- Li already knew his left leg was broken, probably in two places. This
- was nothing more than a nuisance. He had taken more damage during two
- years in the Bajoran underground, than in his entire twelve year
- career in Starfleet. Not that he missed his wayward years on Bajor.
- He had taken more Cardassian lives than he saved Bajoran. He was a
- doctor there only in name, he was more at ease with a phaser than a
- tricorder. But that was years ago, he should concentrate on his
- present.
- Straining, and ignoring the pain from his leg, Li pulled himself
- further up the pitched deck. The exit was now only a few metres away.
- Nurse Migadun had passed out from the broken arm, bone was now
- visibly protruding from above her elbow. Without thinking, Levitt
- pulled out his tricorder. By a miracle it was still attached to his
- utility belt. He flipped it open with one hand and ran a scan over
- the unconscious nurse. Satisfied that she wasn't losing too much
- blood, Li resumed his crawl towards the exit.
- On the bridge it was a different story. Except for a small fire by
- turbolift two, there was no appreciable damage. Hermandez was at
- tactical, slightly unnerved by the awesome power displayed by the
- enemy ship. Warner was not impressed.
- "Mr. Hermandez, Kindly explain to them that firing on a Starfleet
- vessel is not acceptable." He said testily.
- "Aye sir." She replied.
- With a roar another four photon torpedoes were sent hurtling towards
- the ship. They exploded on it's phenomenal shields. An angry bleeping
- noise began to emit from Hermandez's console.
- "Damn!" She cursed. "Port launcher has overheated, and is now
- shutting down."
- Warner took this in, and then signalled to conn. "Take us away from
- here lieutenant." He ordered.
- "Sorry sir, that last hit took out the impulse engines." he
- aplogised.
- Warner didn't miss a beat. "Begin evasive manoeuvres with quad
- thrusters at full power. Plot a course out of the system at warp
- nine."
- Halk gave him a look.
- "I'm not running away without a fight Number one, but if our weapons
- aren't having any effect then I'm not about to sacrifice this ship
- and crew in a vain hope of doing something."
- "Of course sir!" she said quickly.
- If Warner saw through this, he didn't show it. He mearly gave a curt
- nod and then ordered tactical to fire the phasers and single working
- torpedo tube. Halk inwardly chastised herself, she was trying to make
- him seem as bad a Captain as she was. That wasn't true or fair, she
- only hoped she could make it up to him somehow. Putting these
- thoughts aside she focused on the image on the screen. The ship was
- making another pass.
- This time the explosion was far more distant. The bridge was
- completely undamaged.
- "Shield status!" Warner demanded.
- "Shields at twenty one percent." Hermandez replied instantly.
- "Is it enough to withstand another hit?" Halk asked quietly. She
- didn't want to worry the crew.
- Hermandez just gave a slow shake of her head.
- Warner's communicator chirped. He slapped it angrily. "Warner here."
- It was Gart, his Chief Engineer. "Captain we've got a coolant leak,
- but I think we can handle it. Will it get any rougher?" he inquired.
- "I'm afraid so Chief, I need more power to the shields can you rustle
- up any?" Warner asked.
- "Captain, the energiser's taken a direct hit, all primary systems
- have got to come off line now or she'll blow." the Tellarite
- protested.
- "All primary systems?" Warner repeated. That would mean he'd lose his
- shields altogether, along with phasers and warp drive.
- "I'm afraid so sir." Gart replied.
- "Okay Chief, do it now, but give me minimal power to the warp drive."
- Warner said after a few seconds.
- There was a slight pause. "I'll see what I can do." He muttered.
- Warner smiled slightly. "Thanks Chief, you're the best."
- "Don't I know it sir." The Tellarite grumbled. "Gart out."
- "Enemy vessel preparing to fire!" Warned Hermandez.
- Warner got to his feet. "Helm, lay in course heading two, one, zero
- mark eight."
- If the blast hit, chances were that the Vanguard wouldn't be able to
- return fire. It would be the end of them all.
- An Andromeda class starship suddenly dropped out of warp ahead of
- them. The blast struck it squarely on the port nacelle. The nacelle
- shuddered and then blew apart. Explosion after explosion ripped along
- the hull. The Andromeda groaned and writhed under the punishment and
- then was sent spiraling away. A trail of fiery plasm marking it's
- path.
- The hunter sat there for a moment, not quite understanding how it's
- prey had escaped destruction. Why had this other beast saved it. Were
- they mates? A relative perhaps. Whatever the case, the odds were now
- against it. Two more of the creatures were aproaching and its prey
- looked as though it was going to attack again. It would be a good
- idea to think of a new strategy for the next time they met. Streching
- out like a rubber band, the ship shot away.
- "Enemy vessel has left battle zone." Hermandez said needlessly.
- Halk watched the Andromeda spin away. "Status of Captain Cherery's
- ship?" She demanded.
- Karma examined her sensor readouts. "The secondary hull has been
- ruptured on all decks, plasma fires are now spreading to the saucer
- section."
- Halk tapped her communicator. "Transporter rooms one and two, begin
- beaming survivors from the Andromeda."
- Halk realised that Warner was muttering something under his breath.
- "Sir?" she inquired.
- Warner was still coming to terms with the Vanguard's latest escapade.
- "Commander," he said slowly, "have you any idea how close that was?"
- Halk looked at Hermandez. "Lieutenant." She prompted.
- "One thousend four hundred metres between us and the blast when the
- Andromeda appeared." She said immediately.
- "No!" Said Warner desperatly. "I mean, we should be dead."
- A dark look came over Halk. "I've been in closer."
- Warner knew there was some hidden meaning in this but decided he
- hadn't time to sort out Lyrinda's problems. Why was it that when
- Counselor Reboxski was needed most she was attending a conferance at
- the Hernashy colony. He examined the report which Yeoman Lasaari
- handed him. He had to make a move.
- On the viewer, a faint line of plasma was still noticable in the
- distance. The Andromeda was now adrift.
- "What's her condition?" Warner demanded.
- "Plasma fires are spreading to remaining nacelle." Hermandez replied.
- As if on cue the Andromeda blew apart, the anti-matter annihilating
- the vessel. Except for the odd fragment of debris, nothing remained.
- Warner watched the reflection of the explosion on the gloss surfaces
- on the bridge. "What a waste." He murmered.
- "Did we get them all off?" Halk asked.
- "Negative, there were still twenty six life signs aboard when she
- blew." Hermandez replied.
- "Damn." Warner cursed. "Begin repair work, I want to get back on the
- trail while it's still fresh.
- The crew began hurring to various stations.
- "Meeting at 1400 hours please people." He ordered. "Lieutenant, send
- a copy of the full damage report to my quaters." Then, running his
- fingers through his long greying hair, he left the bridge.
- Dean waited until Warner had gone and then turned round to face Halk.
- "Commander, what's up with the Captain?"
- Halk looked at Dean, smiled briefly, and then began ordering the
- damage report.
- Taking this as her subtle way of showing her loyalty, Dean swivelled
- back round and concentrated on his own job.
- * * *
- The Hunter moved forwards, a new target in sight. It had taken a
- flesh wound from the fight and was eager to prove to itself that it
- could still best an opponent.